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Ascii Text Fancy Numbers Decorated Fonts Brackets Fonts Emoticons Font Fancy Designs Font

Ascii Text Generator

    ______            __ 
   / ____/___  ____  / /_
  / /_  / __ \/ __ \/ __/
 / __/ / /_/ / / / / /_  
/_/    \____/_/ /_/\__/  
  / ____/ /_  ____ _____  ____ ____  _____
 / /   / __ \/ __ `/ __ \/ __ `/ _ \/ ___/
/ /___/ / / / /_/ / / / / /_/ /  __/ /    
\____/_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /_/\__, /\___/_/     

Generate 110+ Ascii Text Fonts. Font Changer Lets You Easily Copy & Paste Fancy Texts.

What Is Font Changer?

Font Changer is a free tool to generate fancy text fonts which you can use on social media. This tool converts your normal texts into fancy texts with stylish symbols and letters. And you can easily copy it with one click.

How To Generate Ascii Texts?

Generate Ascii Text

It is very easy to use, you just need to enter your normal text which you want to convert in Ascii Text. This tool will convert your text into Ascii fonts. Then, select your desired Ascii font and click or tap on the generated ascii text and it will automatically copy your ascii text. Now you can paste and share these ascii texts anywhere you want.

What Is Ascii Text?

Ascii means American Standard Code for Information Interchange, This is a character encoding standard for electronic communication. ASCII art was also used in early e-mail when images could not be embedded. We used some techniques in ASCII art to obtain different artistic effects.

Types of Ascii Text Fonts

We have more than 100 Ascii Text Fonts, few of them given below.

Acrobatic font

 ____o__ __o____                       o     
  /   \   /   \                       <|>    
       \o/                            < >    
        |        o__  __o   \o    o/   |     
       < >      /v      |>   v\  /v    o__/_ 
        |      />      //     <\/>     |     
        o      \o    o/       o/\o     |     
       <|       v\  /v __o   /v  v\    o     
       / \       <\/> __/>  />    <\   <\__  

Banner font

######## ######## ##     ## ######## 
   ##    ##        ##   ##     ##    
   ##    ##         ## ##      ##    
   ##    ######      ###       ##    
   ##    ##         ## ##      ##    
   ##    ##        ##   ##     ##    
   ##    ######## ##     ##    ##    

Block Fonts

 _|_|_|_|_|                      _|      
     _|      _|_|    _|    _|  _|_|_|_|  
     _|    _|_|_|_|    _|_|      _|      
     _|    _|        _|    _|    _|      
     _|      _|_|_|  _|    _|      _|_|  

Doom Font

 _____         _   
|_   _|       | |  
  | | _____  _| |_ 
  | |/ _ \ \/ / __|
  | |  __/>  <| |_ 

Epic Font

_________ _______          _________
\__   __/(  ____ \|\     /|\__   __/
   ) (   | (    \/( \   / )   ) (   
   | |   | (__     \ (_) /    | |   
   | |   |  __)     ) _ (     | |   
   | |   | (       / ( ) \    | |   
   | |   | (____/\( /   \ )   | |   
   )_(   (_______/|/     \|   )_(   

Speed Font

________           _____ 
___  __/________  ___  /_
__  /  _  _ \_  |/_/  __/
_  /   /  __/_>  < / /_  
/_/    \___//_/|_| \__/  

Cyber Font

 _______ _______ _     _ _______
    |    |______  \___/     |   
    |    |______ _/   \_    |   

Puffy Font

 _____             _   
(_   _)           ( )_ 
  | |   __        | ,_)
  | | /'__`\(`\/')| |  
  | |(  ___/ >  < | |_ 